Friday, October 17, 2008

Our Magic

Our Magic. This remarkable work was written by Nevil Maskelyne, of the world-famous "England's Home of Mystery," and David Devant, who was unquestionably the greatest of English magicians.
Professor Hoffmann makes this statement "It is not merely a book without which, in popular phrase, no conjuror's library is complete, but it deserves the place of honor on his shelves."
Ellis Stanyon said this,"Beyond doubt, the most important conjuring book ever written."
So...I got the book!
Paul Fleming in his preface made this powerful statement, "In this volume, one may read the most scholarly presentation of the theory of magic that has yet been written." WOW!
The book is seperated into three parts: The Art In Magic, The Theory Of Magic, and The Practice Of Magic
Here is Maskelyne's words "Our present object is to disclose these secrets-to explain the real basis of the magic art, and the principles upon which magical effects actually depend.
So, it's not an easy read. But one that should be set as a priority.
Whether you like it or not, let the words get in you. Try to think, absorb, and see what is being set before you.

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